Friday, November 25, 2011


NY Times Columnist David Brooks has reached out to readers over 70 years of age  for "essays about their own lives and what they’d done poorly and well. They make for fascinating and addictive reading."
One story submitted by 85-year old Regina Titus inspired me to write the following reply.

Regina Titus gives us an earnest summary of what she did NOT have, but I counter with what she DOES have.
"I did not have the joy of holding my baby in my arms."
In your work at Foundling Hospital, you held babies who needed your touch more than you knew, and your nurturing care changed their lives. "I did not have a long and happy marriage."
Through volunteering with Women's International Club, you have used your unique perspective to help women help their spouses to cope and to grow, and have thus sustained marriages which might have otherwise succumbed to life's challenges. "Did not have money to be a philanthropist and give where there is such need all over the world, particularly for children."
Interacting with 282 women from 43 countries and being involved with charities providing food, clothing, Christmas gifts and school tuition to the poor, as well as giving all in your midst a compelling life example, IS philanthropy of the highest order. "Did not have a top career–always served others."
In the biblical sense, your life of service was a top career. Like Moses and Jesus, your stories and example lead us to walk in the Spirit, with gratitude to God and love for each other. "Did not feel joy of life enough."
I feel the joy of your deft navigation of the twists and turns your life has presented. I hope you will join me as you replay your journey in the context of the joy it has brought to others.

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