Thursday, March 29, 2018


“No matter what you do, no matter what you say,
No matter what you think, no matter who you are,
I will not stop loving you.”
-      Fr. Philip Bochanski, “The Message of the Passion” 3-23-18

Have you watched a loved one, in his last days, last hours?

I have.

Whether you made your Vigil at bedside or across the miles, I invite you into my “wisdom circle” as together we relive how it was.
For we were there.
As I relive my witness, I invite you to relive yours.
Speak of your loss to others.
Spare neither the pain nor the abiding memory.
May our testimony pave a path for others who will join our circle.

I am watching you, my loved one, in your last days, last hours. 
I recall the Passion of Christ in His last days and hours.
Even as He died, His mother, His disciples, His friends knew undying love.
Now I feel I walk in their footsteps as I feel unconditional love for you.

I am beside your bed.  I am watching from afar.
I am miles away, praying… sending loving thoughts of peace and comfort.
I watch you call out for relief.
I bear witness.  I plead for your safe passage.

You have always had my heart, and I have never stopped loving you.
I could never stop loving you.  I would never stop loving you.
I will never leave your side.

Have you broken away from something, some One, to cling to?
Were we broken as to what, or Who, that something was?
It doesn’t matter.
I remember your many acts of love… your beauty… your truth.
The truth you have lived so bravely.

I would take your pain if I could.
I am here.  I hold your hand in my hand.
I am across the miles.  I hold your heart in my heart.

I know you are being called home.
My message hurtles toward you, silently and lovingly.
Love without limits.  Love without obstacles.  Love that never ends.

Vaya con Dios.
I will never stop loving you.


  1. Thank you. I feel your love, comfort and prayers, as well as your awareness of The Vigil and what follows.

    It is ironic that my immediate family does not comprehend my personal struggles, but those, even strangers who have been through such an experience have more compassion.

    Thank you. I’ll love you forever. We are our mother’s gifts to each other.

  2. This is actually quite stunning, moving.
    I love the flow and solemnity and hope.
    This is really lovely and useful.
    I think it it is one of the finest pieces you’ve written
    Wise, creative, humble, Spirit-filled.

  3. I'm still thinking about "The Vigil." I'm thinking more about former students, who lived their lives with long-term, possibly terminal conditions and how others live side-by-side with them. These friends enjoyed each other with honest love and respect, at times bantering and arguing. It was fascinating for me to observe my students be just great friends without pity or allowing others to pity their friend, while still keeping a watchful eye on their ailing friend.

  4. Beautiful Lucky... thank you!  Happy Easter!

  5. I love this on so many levels. 
    I have watch several die - sitting next to them; I have held a vigil from a distance -
    even though miles separated us I felt to strain. 
    Now as I reach this stage of my own life I am comforted knowing others are near and extending reaching out with their heart. 
    I am grateful knowing God’s hand is always there to lift me. 
    I ache when I think of the pain Jesus endured; I repent of my sins and I invite Him to come into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. 
    May the holiness of this Pascha fill you with renewal and peace. 

  6. Very beautiful ��!!

  7. Beautiful!
    Definitely going to share.

  8. I will never stop loving you!!! Love your blog today probably my favorite. Unconditional love. ❤️����

  9. Thank you again for your spiritual writings.  I don’t usually take time to meditate; however, you make it possible. Praying that you enjoy a happy and peaceful Easter weekend. Love, and God Bless.
