Saturday, January 16, 2021

Grâce à Toi

The French expression «grâce à toi» converts to our expression “thanks to you.” It’s used when expressing gratitude for something given which has resulted in a significant benefit to us.

However, the expression «grâce à toi» is literally translated as “grace to you.” And so it is with that expression today, in the face of the rollout of mass vaccinations to inoculate us against the COVID virus which has altered our lives, that I stand back and defer.

I am retired and can stay home and self-regulate my exposure to others. Health care providers, first responders, essential workers, and medical researchers have had no such freedom. And without their diligence and bravery, going to work every day in the face of the pandemic, I would not have had the benefits of access to medical services, public safety, food, necessities, and now, the miracle of this vaccination which will eventually allow us all to return to normalcy.

I am grateful every time I see a tractor trailer carrying supplies, every time I hear an ambulance or police siren, and every time I taste a bite of fruit or vegetable or meat which was sourced through a food supply chain of people I will never meet, but who will forever hold a place in my heart.

As I imagine each of these heroes in line for the vaccine, I say «grâce à toi». I whisper prayers of gratitude for them, for their families, and for their continued health of mind and body as they persevere.

Of course I will register for and take the vaccine. And I will celebrate the freedom which it will give me to resume activities which are, for now, just out of reach. But first I will stand down until others are vaccinated... others who have made the changes in all of our lives less extreme, and more manageable.

Let’s all set our sights on the day we can meet without fear and hug with all our might. And in the meantime, when we think of the heroes of our time, send out a whisper of gratitude and maybe borrow from the language of love with a well-deserved blessing: «grâce à toi!»


  1. Everything you spoke of is exactly how Pat and I feel and on a side note to that "Hug with all our might" could I talk you into a good back rub/massage also...:-) you girls....Us

  2. Your true thoughts and emotions are beautifully expressed. Thank you. We are so fortunate to be able to enjoy our lives as normally as possible, while others sacrifice for us. Thanks to you for gently nudging us to reflect.

  3. Amen to those thoughts.

  4. Nice thoughts Alexis. Hope you’re enjoying that beautiful desert weather.

  5. They should go first...with my blessings!

  6. Lovely. You are so very right!

  7. That's very sweet, Alexis. And well-expressed, as always.

  8. Very well put. We all need to have gratitude every day.

  9. Very lovely. Good for you.
    We actually are very eager for the vaccine and feel that we need it. Signed up for this week and hope there is enough vaccine. All very uncertain.
    Stay well!!

  10. Merci Beaucoup Mon Amie!
    It’s good to know you are well.
    Take care.

  11. This is absolutely beautiful, in word, in thought, in spirit.
    Thank you so much for sharing.
    Hoping you stay well.....I am sending love and A'ho
    across the miles.

  12. Beautifully put. Thanks for a good reminder.
