Saturday, October 6, 2018


What if you could see into the interior life of a baseball great? A man among men in the world of athletes, whose prowess over decades was renowned?

Well, first of all, this question as it relates to most athletes is moot. Because most athletes don’t last for decades. But one man whose life was linked to athleticism, and whose more than 60 years of broadcasting prowess has made him iconic, is the recently retired Vin Scully.

But back to interior lives. I have spent all the baseball seasons of my life, as have three generations of baseball lovers, listening to Vin Scully. To me he was a captivating baseball announcer, but I never once thought of his interior life. I found his voice remarkable, his fluidity in calling a game enjoyable, and his knowledge of baseball interesting. But I must admit I never once thought of the virtues he espoused, nor of his relationship with God.

All of that changed this week. My friend Michael sent me notification that Vin Scully had recorded and released an entire narration of the rosary. Of all things... a link between baseball and one of my favorite sacramentals... in the person of Vin Scully!

The information regarding the recording tells us that Mr. Scully has been a devout Catholic all his life, a great supporter of Catholic athletes’ organizations, and was honored and gratified to be asked to make this recording.

Well, Mr. Scully, I am honored and gratified that you made the recording as well. Every day when I ride my bike I like to say a rosary. It is a meditative mantra which soothes my soul and focuses my day’s intentions. Often I dedicate my rosary to friends in need, to graces sought, or to gratitude for blessings received.

But here it is, October, the post-season of playoff baseball, and I have the sheer pleasure of riding my bike down leaf-strewn trails and hearing the rosary along with a rich background narration to each of its elements... in the voice of a familiar baseball great. Vin Scully is not retired after all.  He and I ride together and say a rosary! It is, in fact, one of those small miracles in life which brings a smile each time I think of it.

There will never be a shortage of things for me to pray for. There will never be a reason for me not to say a rosary. And so I am eternally grateful, and perennially amused, at God’s sense of humor. He encourages me and supports me in my daily prayer routine by bringing Vin Scully out of retirement and into my earbuds. As Vin Scully and I create a cadence and rhythm, we recite over and over the words which perfectly describe the experience… “full of grace.”

Today, as I celebrate five decades of the rosary, I am encouraged to continue to another decade or two... because my prayer intention is for the 6+ decades of Vin Scully’s career. I celebrate the life of a man whose interior life was more apparent than I ever realized, through his passion, enthusiasm, and dedication to the sport he loved. I celebrate the confluence of two worlds, culminating in a prayer:
May we all be inspired by the life of Vin Scully. And may his life’s work continue, as he is joined by another group of followers, for decades to come.


  1. Extraordinary. Thank you for writing this. Life is at its best when the passions in our lives converge.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. Who knew?!!!! We are all so much more than is readily revealed.........

  3. Loved it all...but the last paragraph is my favorite! Hail, Mary may you always be honored and loved. oxox

  4. Great piece. May you ride and pray in peace reciting the rosary for many more decades.
