Wednesday, March 6, 2019


“I love you dearly.”
“You’re the best.”

These two expressions, in a very special way, are etched in our hearts today. Because today the person who spoke them so tenderly, so often, and so sincerely has been taken from us.

Carole was the picture of the person we all want to be. A loving mother, a supportive wife, and a steadfast friend, she was resilient even as she suffered in her last days with the effects of a ravaging disease. Hopeful and strong, she walked in courage amidst her difficulties with health and well-being.

Her family was a bastion of support and a source of great pride for Carole. Her friends were ever in her heart. Now we believe that she is free from pain and living, forever free, in her eternal reward. And our memories are those of wonderful shared times of laughter, tears, fun, and caring.

Each time we see a flower, a bird, or a cloud formation, we can’t help but remember that Carole would always stop whatever she was doing to recognize the beauty of nature. Each time she heard of suffering, she would express compassion and love. And In every instance, she found the good in the situation.

People like Carole teach us to share authentically. They teach us to love unconditionally. They teach us to appreciate the natural world around us. They remind us to readily compliment each other and show compassion and love whenever we can. And they teach us to remember the good times, so that when the bad times come we have the emotional buffer we need to sustain ourselves.

We all know loved ones who have taught us such lessons, and in the days after their passing, we do well to recommit ourselves to the courage and strength which they have exemplified in their lives.

We know that today you walk in peace and comfort, Carole, and we are grateful for the lessons we have learned together.

Walk in Grace, dear friend.
You are the best.
We love you dearly.
And we always will.


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. This is such a beautiful tribute. Carole who meant so much to you and so many others left you armed with her love and strength. I extend my sympathy to all who were touched by her. She will live on in the hearts and memories of her loved ones.

  2. Good one, Alexis. Sorry for your loss.

  3. So sorry for your loss. Sending love and hugs.

  4. I am so sorry you have lost your dear friend. Know you had many wonderful days together, though. I played golf with you all and her once.

  5. Luckie, this is beautiful. Certainly from the heart and captures the essence of Carole spirit. This piece is a wonderful gift to Carole’s family.

  6. You have such a way with words! Beautiful!
    A great tribute.

  7. So sorry for your loss....

  8. So sorry for the loss of what sounds to have been quite a special lady. Will keep you and her friends and family in our thoughts and prayers. ❤️

  9. How very fortunate Carole was to have a friend like you who has been given the ability to capture the essence of her in this lovely writing. I did not ever meet her but do feel a connection through you, dear Alexis. Thank you!��

  10. My deepest sympathies in the loss of your friend, Carole. I'm sure that she was a person who embodied the ultimate wife, mother, and friend. Some day, I hope in the far future, similar words will be spoken about you. God love you and bless you, always.

  11. I am so sorry to hear that your courageous and loving friend is gone from you. Loss can be so painful as we remember all the joys and time together that must now live in our memories.
