Wednesday, February 12, 2020


There are all kinds of love, because there are all kinds of relationships.

My wish for you on this Valentine’s Day is that you find your true self in this message, and that you recognize how your love operates inside that true self.  And maybe, if you look deep enough, you’ll find you’ve veered away from the truest love of which your true self is capable, and find a way to make a Valentine’s Day gift of the journey back.

Love does not insist on its own agenda. 

Love seeks to do good deeds to meet pressing needs.

Love is not eager to possess that which belongs to another.

Love is not arrogant.

Love does not act inappropriately, in a way that embarrasses others.

Love does not first seek her own benefit—
    love is not a commodity to be withheld or traded.

Love does not irritate another.

Love does not assume an evil motive. 

Love takes no pleasure in injustice, but celebrates truth.

Love endures through the unbearable. 
    Love trusts through the inexplicable. 
        Love hopes through the improbable. 

Love perseveres through trial.

Love never ends; 
    when earth and heaven are renewed, love remains.

(1 Corinthians 13:4–7; paraphrase by Michael Fox)


  1. Thank you for the loving words of your “Valentine Wish.” Wishing we were closer in miles.

  2. Thank you and we wish the same for you.

  3. Thank you so much for this food for thought. we miss and love you two....Us

  4. Thank you. That is so beautiful. It is so easy to use the word love and never really think about what it means and what it takes to show true love. It might not be easy to truly love but it is so worth it.

  5. Very well said as usual my friend.

  6. Thanks.
    Hope you enjoy your day.

  7. Thank you for this sweet message of true love and compassion. The fact that you would take the time for others to feel better about themselves shows who you are.

  8. I thought that this was great. I have always believed that talk is cheap. Show me your love. Our actions speak louder than words.

  9. Very nice, Alexis. Thank you.
