Thursday, January 17, 2019


I recently received a thoughtful note from a woman of great fortitude who is seeking answers for parts of her past life that troubled her:

“My symptoms are the tip of the iceberg I obviously didn't know I've been dragging around all my life.”

I found her comments both visually stimulating and relatable. After thoughtful consideration I responded, and then thought I’d love to share our exchange as a springboard for your consideration and comment:

“This stage of our lives, while we still have energy and vitality but are not so consumed with work, allows us time for reflection back on who we’ve become... and forward on who we really aspire to be.
A great woman of psychology once told me to bear out all relationships (including the one with ourselves) with the mantra:

‘No blame, no shame, no right, no wrong, no guilt.’

Try it on for size and see if it fits. I’ve found it both forgiving and inspirational!”

Have you had times in your life, perhaps this time in your life, when looking back at what seemed like one issue evolves into the realization of many issues? In facing them, do you feel an unraveling of your former self? Do you question the values which may have changed, ever so slightly each year, but on a broad scale in the aggregate, throughout that period of time? When you compare the values you hold as real and present today to the values you may have held at that time, what do you feel?

I welcome your thoughtful engagement. And remember to give yourself (and others) permission within the broad framework:
‘No blame, no shame, no right, no wrong, no guilt.’

Happy reflection!


  1. Looking at my values all the time...

  2. �� LOVE this!
    No blame, no shame, no right, no wrong, no guilt.
    Words to take into my psyche and immerse myself in the wisdom.

    The quote: A great woman of psychology once told me to bear out all relationships (including one with ourselves) with the mantra— no blame, no shame, no right, no wrong, no guilt. I love this quote!!!
    Alexis, this really speaks to me, and I heartedly agree that in this stage of life, while we still have our energy but not working so much, we can and do look backwards sometimes, for internal reflection on where we were juxtaposed with where we are going. YES.

    Personally, I love this stage of life... attempting to attain some sort of wisdom by reflecting on past issues and mistakes, but not with a judge mental lens! No blame. No shame. No guilt. Just observing the past, and how it has brought me here, and now with those past lessons I am able to choose with clarity where it is I truly want to go.

    Keep up the great blogs!

  3. Easier said than done, I’m afraid, Alexis! There is a lot I did in my earlier life that I regret.

  4. I don't think this is what you are looking for, but it is what I thought of each day I read and reflected on your writings: "To live in the to die in the present." What was is, and when the occasion arises, I ask God to forgive any of my transgressions in my life, then, I forgive myself, let it go and move on. It may not work for everyone, but it works for me.
    "Yesterday's errors are today's power."
    Be well, Be safe, Be Happy oxox
